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Sallah & Fig Law, P.L.L.C. Legal Blog

The importance of self-care during your divorce

Divorce is a life change that causes enormous feelings of stress, leading to adverse health consequences. Keeping your emotional well-being a priority at this time makes it easier to move on to the next phase in your life. Find a support group Going through a divorce may leave you feeling depressed and alone. Finding time […]

Understanding the distribution of assets in New York

Divorce is a stressful process, especially when you do not know how things will turn out. Understanding how New York distributes marital assets in the dissolution of marriages can help to alleviate some of the tension you feel as you embark upon separation. How do courts divide assets? New York courts do their best to […]

Custody and visitation in New York

One of the most important parts of any divorce is determining where minor children will live and who will make decisions on their behalf. Divorcing couples should understand the different custody and visitation options and how a court order could affect their time with their children. Physical vs. legal custody In New York, there are […]

How social media can impact your divorce

If you are like many people, social media is a part of your daily routine. According to Pew Research Center, more than half of Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat users visit these sites every day. If you are thinking about ending your marriage, you may not realize that your online habits could impact the outcome of […]

What can prolong a divorce?

Divorce is difficult even when the parties agree to the split, but in many cases, emotional issues can lead to extremely contentious court battles. Even though stalling tactics lead to greater stress and higher legal fees for both parties, many spouses still attempt to delay or extend divorce proceedings. Reasons for delaying the divorce A […]

Understanding the complex elements of property division

The division of assets is a crucial component of the divorce process. It is also one of the most complicated elements. You must divide all your property and liabilities equitably according to state laws. Keep in mind that equitable distribution does not always result in equal division. Defining a fair arrangement in high net worth divorces […]

How is spousal support determined?

Sorting out your finances during a divorce may cause stress. Having a handle on some of the basics may help you move forward with a more comprehensive financial picture. Spousal support is often a contentious topic. Whether you are the person who is requesting it or the one who may pay it, understanding how the […]

Finding the right family law attorney

When you and your spouse have decided to divorce, it’s difficult to know which steps to take next. You may not be familiar with the legal regulations associated with ending a marriage. This can lead to wasted time and money, which is even more devastating when you’re going through this emotionally trying time. The right […]

How to properly navigate a divorce case

If you’re looking to file for divorce in New York, then it is incredibly important to understand how the process works. Although television and movies can make it seem like a straightforward process by dividing everything in half, going through a divorce can actually be very complex, especially if there are multiple disputes going on, […]

Avoiding Unnecessary Conflict In Divorce

It is a life-changing decision to end a marriage. And even if spouses agree to divorce, it is often a very stressful and emotional process to endure. While it is natural for spouses to face disagreement, it is easy for even minor disagreements to spiral into larger conflicts during a divorce. Therefore, many individuals might […]

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