Sallah Fig - Divorce and Family Law

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Transitioning to split householdss

Following a divorce, the transition into split households is challenging, especially for your children. For children whose entire existence was in a single household, suddenly having two homes and two bedrooms can be overwhelming. There are some things you can do to ease the transition. Communicate clearly and openly Children struggle with uncertainty and fear […]

Why uncontested divorces still need an attorney

An uncontested divorce is the most amicable and easiest divorce to consider. When you and your spouse can agree on the separation and the final settlement, the divorce process is faster and has less emotional upheaval. While uncontested divorces are easier, they are not without their challenges as well. You should still retain an attorney […]

How do courts decide who gets spousal support in a divorce?

When one spouse earns more than another, the lower-earning spouse may worry about financially supporting themselves after divorce. However, either party can request financial support from the other spouse during divorce proceedings. Several factors impact the court’s decision when determining who provides support temporarily or maintenance for the long term. The payor’s income affects the […]

Tips for entering the workforce after your divorce

When you and your spouse decide to end your marriage, the division of your assets is a significant concern. However, once you receive a final divorce decree, you may find that your focus shifts to making ends meet as a newly single person in New York. If you stop receiving spousal support and must enter […]

How can you make the divorce process less stressful?

Going through a divorce can entail considerable stress and uncertainty. Planning ahead and identifying what you need to resolve will give you a clear road map. Learning about some of the procedural and legal aspects of the divorce process can ease some of your apprehension. Guidance from experienced counsel helps to ensure that you are […]

The importance of self-care during your divorce

Divorce is a life change that causes enormous feelings of stress, leading to adverse health consequences. Keeping your emotional well-being a priority at this time makes it easier to move on to the next phase in your life. Find a support group Going through a divorce may leave you feeling depressed and alone. Finding time […]

Understanding the distribution of assets in New York

Divorce is a stressful process, especially when you do not know how things will turn out. Understanding how New York distributes marital assets in the dissolution of marriages can help to alleviate some of the tension you feel as you embark upon separation. How do courts divide assets? New York courts do their best to […]

Custody and visitation in New York

One of the most important parts of any divorce is determining where minor children will live and who will make decisions on their behalf. Divorcing couples should understand the different custody and visitation options and how a court order could affect their time with their children. Physical vs. legal custody In New York, there are […]

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