Sallah Fig - Divorce and Family Law

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3 Common Questions Kids Have About Divorce

Many couples try to keep their marital struggles a private matter, but when marriages end their entire family is impacted.

For many children, their parents’ divorce is a confusing and painful time, and they are sure to have questions. As Psychology Today notes, answering these questions can help reassure your children and protect your relationship with them during a difficult time.


The answer to this question can be particularly painful, but it is important to give your child a clear answer. Before telling your child that you are getting a divorce, consider finding the right answer with your spouse.

A consistent answer will reassure your child that you are being honest with them, and you and your spouse can determine just how much you want to tell your child.

Will you get back together?

Especially if you have gone through rough patches with your spouse before, your children may wonder if this is a temporary struggle. The best course of action is to be honest and tell them, no, you do not plan to get back together.

How long will this take?

When things are uncertain, children will often wonder when they can settle into their new life. While you negotiate a custody arrangement that is best for your child, determine the fate of your family home and other details, they are sure to wonder how long it will be until they can relax. The Huffington Post notes that many couples wait to tell their children until they know more about the timing and can offer a good answer to this question.

Additionally, consulting with a professional therapist or social worker in order to ascertain how to inform your children and what words are most appropriate for your situation can prove beneficial. This is not a process you need to go through alone when there are professionals who are well-prepared to guide you through your unique position.

One of the best ways to answer your child’s questions is to seek out answers to your own. Even during a contentious divorce, having an attorney you trust to guide you through the divorce process will ensure that you have the answers you need.

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